Spring Batch is a framework for writing batch applications using Java and Spring
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- Issues
- Retry count in StepExecution [BATCH-1898]
- StepContribution should provide a variable incrementReadCount() [BATCH-1933]
- OptimisticLockingFailureException when stopping jobs [BATCH-1981]
- Clarify/fix documentation of skips and controlling rollback with FaultTolerantStepBuilder
- Not unique steps names in a FlowJob should raise an exception or at least log a warning
- Abort/failed the job gracefully during Spring Batch shutdown [BATCH-2064]
- Unification of restart logic between decisions and steps [BATCH-2123]
- JsonRecordSeparatorPolicy doesn't handle braces inside quoted strings properly [BATCH-2125]
- How about showing result of command itself in SystemCommandTasklet? [BATCH-2133]
- Improve the documentation regarding transaction management [BATCH-2171]
- Docs
- Java not yet supported