Kanban board for github issues
Triage Issues!
When you volunteer to triage issues, you'll receive an email each day with a link to an open issue that needs help in this project. You'll also receive instructions on how to triage issues.
Triage Docs!
Receive a documented method or class from your favorite GitHub repos in your inbox every day. If you're really pro, receive undocumented methods or classes and supercharge your commit history.
not yet supported2 Subscribers
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Help out
- Issues
- Repo links page isn't scrollable
- Mapping milestones names across linked repos
- Using filters when linking repositories - Boolean operator choice for labels
- [Proposal] Dockerizing HuBoard
- Assignees Card Drop Down leaves up check mark when unselected
- Team members assigned only to closed issues should not be listed
- Integrations: Constrain issue events for a channel to a label
- Ability to unassigned a team member without having to open a card
- Issues Sync hides Issues created by GitHub webhooks
- Expand impeded label support to configurable labels ala; Block/Ready labels
- Docs
- not yet supported