Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
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- Issues
- BUG: Chained urls (allowed by fsspec) not recognized by is_fsspec_url
- ENH: Allow hierarchical sorting on MultiIndex, with multiple functions assigned to key
- Copy-on-Write (PDEP-7) follow-up overview issue
- BUG: `MultiIndex.sortlevel` not working correctly after `MultiIndex.set_levels`
- PERF: cast np.str_ to str?
- ENH: allow pct change to generate ghost dates to avoid missing values
- PERF: `pd.util.hash_pandas_object` slower on `string[pyarrow]` than `object` dtypes
- ENH: Enable assert_almost_equal to test numpy-like zero-dimensional arrays
- ENH: Use a proper CSS parser for pandas Styler objects
- BUG: DataFrame with empty categorical column saved as parquet is not correcly read with pyarrow engine
- Docs
- Python not yet supported