OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
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- Issues
- Panoptic FPN support for Cityscapes
- Deformable DETR——Error docstring in `DeformableDetrTransformer.get_reference_points()`
- Allow category/single instance options in video demo
- the min_overlap(0.3) is different from CenterNet Code(0.7)
- TypeError: TwoStageDetectionAUGFPN: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'roi_head'
- Bug in MultiScaleDeformableAttention?
- Problem installing and running mmcv-full on nvidia cuda docker
- add CBAM attention mechanism block within Resnet backbone
- bbox_targets of samples with label=0 is [0. ,0. ,0. , 0.]
- Bboxes export as json from video / frames / images.
- Docs
- Python not yet supported