A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.
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Help out
- Issues
- Make `marimo` more like `Jupyter Lab`
- Proactively resolve cycles in split cells
- provide some way to show all fields with tab completion based on runtime info, ignoring type annotation
- Likely a 750 cell limit due to cell id hash collision
- mo.mpl.interactive() should not change focus when plot is rendered
- Lack of synchronization between table views leads to inconsistent selection state
- Feature Request: Add File Routing for Editable Multi-Page Applications (MPAs)
- Feature Request: Encapsulating Multiple Cells into Reusable Components
- Support GitHub Copilot in conda-forge distribution
- Go to defining code (when viewing html result)
- Docs
- Python not yet supported