

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.


Invalidate a key in the deep_merge_cache.  If called with nil, or no arg, this will invalidate
the entire deep_merge cache.  In the case of the user doing node.default['foo']['bar']['baz']=
that eventually results in a call to reset_cache('foo') here.  A node.default=hash_thing call
must invalidate the entire cache and re-deep-merge the entire node object.

Source | Google | Stack overflow


git clone [email protected]:opscode/chef.git

cd chef

open lib/chef/node/mixin/deep_merge_cache.rb


# Make a new branch

git checkout -b -your-name--update-docs-Chef--Node--Mixin--DeepMergeCache-reset-for-pr

# Commit to git

git add lib/chef/node/mixin/deep_merge_cache.rbgit commit -m "better docs for Chef::Node::Mixin::DeepMergeCache#reset"

# Open pull request

gem install hub # on a mac you can `brew install hub`

hub fork

git push <your name> -your-name--update-docs-Chef--Node--Mixin--DeepMergeCache-reset-for-pr

hub pull-request

# Celebrate!