Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby.
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- Issues
- webmock breaks with latest Excon?
- call .to_s on passed body
- fix: Support Addressable::URI in request patterns
- Patron adapter does not currently "follow" redirects
- FEATURE: Allow asserting on requests in tests
- FIX: Ensure Net::HTTP socket type is StubSocket.
- Webmock matchers and forked processes
- Suggestion: Explicit disallow option for .allow_net_connect!
- Typhoeus return_message lost when creating a Webmock response
- Make the ALLOWED_HOSTS threadsafe
- Docs
- WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::NetHttpAdapter.remove_silently
- WebMock::Util::Parsers::XML.parse
- WebMock::Util::Parsers::JSON.convert_json_to_yaml
- WebMock::Util::Parsers::JSON.unescape
- WebMock::Util::Parsers::JSON.parse
- HTTP::Response::Streamer#finished_request?
- Async::HTTP::WebMockEndpoint#socket_class
- WebMockHTTPClients#clear_thread_variables
- HTTP::Response#reset_body_to_allow_it_to_be_streamed!
- HTTP::Response.build_http_rb_response_body_from_webmock_response