The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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- Issues
- CDK: Region validation
- aws-lambda-python-alpha: Support `uv` lockfile for `PythonFunction` bundling
- (aws-dynamodb): TableV2 should explicitly document that it translate to a CFN AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable
- EKS: Cluster Deletion Fails
- CLI: report cdk bootstrap versions
- (rds): Encrypt DatabaseCluster (aurora) or DatabaseInstance (rds) storage with AWS-managed key by default (behind feature flag)
- aws-s3: option for Bucket.grantDelete to not grant s3:DeleteObjectVersion
- eks: Add EKS Auto Mode support to Cluster L2 construct
- feat(aws-eks): managed NodeGroup diskType support
- @aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalog Ephemeral storage modification support
- Docs
- TypeScript not yet supported