The AWS Cloud Development Kit is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code
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- Issues
- [aws-certificatemanager] Create certificate in us-east-1 and use it in a different region
- bedrock: KnowledgeBaseConfigurationProperty is missing sqlKnowledgeBaseConfiguration property in latest CDK version 2.176.0
- feat(ec2-alpha): add Transit Gateway L2
- inflight:This module is not supported, and leaks memory
- (dynamodb): grant calls no longer working when passed a ManagedPolicy
- (aws-lambda-python-alpha): The command "export" does not exist - Poetry
- ❗ CDK CLI versions and CDK library versions will soon diverge
- fix(lambda): fix so that the `commandHook` function is called only once during bundling.
- ecr: Garbage collection for ECR prints runs indefinitely
- Amazon OpenSearch Service: High Level Constructs For OpenSearch Coordinator (NodeOptions) Feature
- Docs
- TypeScript not yet supported