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12 IssuesAmethyst is a Rails inspired web-framework for Crystal language
12 IssuesMystery project
12 IssuesGenerate TypeScript typings for WSDL services
12 IssuesList of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things
12 IssuesThe worker node manager container which manages nebula nodes
12 IssuesJavaScript Extended regular expression engine - client side, server side and 'angular side' ready.
12 Issuessome example repo for an error in sprocktes
12 IssuesCollection of Dockerfiles for building embedded software distributions
12 IssuesArduPilot Gazebo SITL 3D mapping and planning
12 IssuesPalim training front-end final project
12 IssuesLight weight scientific computing without any extra dependencies
12 IssuesA professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
12 IssuesIn-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
12 IssuesAn implementation of the CSS layout algorithm.
12 IssuesOnline editor for Graphviz DOT files.
12 IssuesA small, feature complete Clojure client for RabbitMQ that embraces AMQP 0.9.1 model
12 IssuesDatabase CRUD Application Built on Electron | MySQL, Postgres
12 IssuesSimple and lightweight data grid in JS/HTML
12 IssuesSimple JavaScript testing framework for browsers and node.js
12 IssuesACH implements a reader, writer, and validator for Automated Clearing House (ACH) files. The HTTP server is available in a Docker image and the Go package is available.
12 IssuesMalformity is a Maltego project based on the Canari framework for malicious binary and infrastructure research.
12 IssuesMaterial Design Icons for React/Preact packaged as single components
12 Issues[In development, please wait for updated public release] Next-generation JavaScript framework for JAMStack blogs, sites & apps.
12 IssuesVisual IDE designed in Python to work with Django framework based projects. Please watch short video about IDE:
12 Issuesthe font-awesome font bundled as an asset for the rails asset pipeline
12 IssuesA library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
12 IssuesAn extension for Laravel Livewire that allows you to effortlessly scaffold datatables with optional pagination, search, and sort.
12 IssuesA text-based city management game
(samasaur1/citymanagement) (amrdeveloper/treeview)treeview
12 Issuescomic-cube
12 IssuesAn app for comic book buyers and comic shop owners to help them stay in business. Participating in Mozsprint 2019
12 IssuesNode backend
12 IssuesGamePulse: Your gaming universe awaits! ๐ฎ๐ Browse, explore, and engage with games based on categories, release dates, and sales numbers. Join the gaming community at GamePulse and stay connected with the pulse of gaming excitement! ๐ป๐
(doononthon/gamepulse) (elevensymbols/orca)orca
12 Issuescelluloid
12 IssuesActor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
12 IssuesJavascript SDK for using Piksel Palette services
12 Issueswork in progress, please check back later
12 IssuesShell commands for development, staging, and production parity for Heroku apps
12 IssuesVim filetype and tools support for Crystal language.
12 IssuesAPIBrew is Low code software to automate building CRUDs from yaml files
(apibrew/apibrew) (varunkewlani/portfolio-master)portfolio-master
12 Issuesspago
12 IssuesSelf-contained Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing library in Go
12 IssuesContinuous Performance Testing (JUnit)
(javatlacati/contiperf) (ericc572/-heroku-bouncer-eric)-heroku-bouncer-eric
12 Issuesagile-meetings
12 IssuesPermite organizar y registrar las reuniones de retrospectivas รกgiles de tu equipo de trabajo. Incluye juegos en los que se puede participar usando una app para celular
12 IssuesIssues tracker for udeas, ongoing work, looking for mentors, mentors available, everything is in here!
(aerorust/workinggroup) (schneems/derailed_benchmarks)derailed_benchmarks
12 Issuesneutrino
12 IssuesA GUI frontend in Rust based on web-view
12 IssuesCoverage testing tool for The Go Programming Language
12 Issuesuse cling scripting with C++ and cmake
12 IssuesResponsive Theme for ActiveAdmin