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2 IssuesA configurable Git hook for adhering to the Conventional Commit specification
2 IssuesA powerful cross-platform project templating tool.
2 IssuesWeb-based suite of tools for administrators and developers to interact with the APIs
2 IssuesRaytracing renderer for Godot, for 'pixellax' film.
2 IssuesA curated list of awesome resources for Graal, GraalVM, Truffle and related topics
2 IssuesWeb crawler/spider for node.js & nest.js server
2 IssuesLinter configurations for Pa11y projects
2 IssuesA Decentralized Operating System for Zero-Knowledge Applications
2 IssuesTools to aid mining of ruby code in git repositories
2 IssuesA personal profile theme using Bootstrap
2 IssuesKarrot is a free and open-source tool for grassroots initiatives and groups of people that want to coordinate face-to-face activities on a local, autonomous and voluntary basis.
2 IssuesThis is a hook for Voyager that will import a Wordpress xml file into the Voyager DB
(thedevdojo/wordpress-import) (satyam4484/taskverse)taskverse
2 Issues (justwhit3/ptc-print)ptc-print
2 Issuescutter.js
2 IssuesTruncate HTML code to limit its length by number of words without losing markup.
2 IssuesDisallow Unscoped Find for a Restful Night Sleep
(pboling/active_security) (marcosgenesis/new-sippa)new-sippa
2 Issuessite-policy
2 IssuesCollaborative development on GitHub's site policies, procedures, and guidelines
2 IssuesGet memory usage of a process in Ruby
2 IssuesDesktop Bridge Extension to call Win32 APIs from UWP
2 IssuesProcess HEX files in Python
2 IssuesYour Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages
2 IssuesContains open information and resources on all things no-code to elevate your projects, systems and products.
2 Issueschocolatey-coreteampackages
2 IssuesA django package which act as a gateway to send and receive email with amazon SES.
2 IssuesMoodle org Tracker issues, I would like any developer to triage and get paid for.
2 is a Python package that allows you to automate WhatsApp and YouTube tasks in an asynchronous and headless way. It uses asyncpywhatkit and headlesspywhatkit libraries under the hood to provide fast and easy-to-use features. With, y
2 IssuesA django compressor tool that bundles css, js files to a single css, js file with webpack and updates your html files with respective css, js file path.
2 IssuesAPT Repository list and Debian install file for Cydia
2 IssuesKotlin library for importing/exporting bibliographic records in RIS format
(ursjoss/kris) (michaelhinrichs/rpg-maker-ldb-printer)rpg-maker-ldb-printer
2 Issuessubtitle-downloader
2 IssuesCommand Line Tool to download Subtitles for Movies:
2 Issues🏎 An online formulae browser for Homebrew
2 IssuesPython framework for collecting and analyzing TLS certificate data via the Certificate Transparency Network
2 IssuesCreate a Thrift Server use like Rails
2 IssuesChrome extension that automatically clicks all 'Connect' buttons available on LinkedIn 'Search People' and 'People You May Know' pages.
2 IssuesA curated repository for minor and major projects alloted in schools and colleges
2 IssuesAngular 1.6 Setup With Webpack Starter
2 IssuesEtherscan API async Python wrapper
2 IssuesiOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor.
2 IssuesA powerful, plugin-based, multi-purpose Telegram bot designed to serve a wide variety of purposes based on mattata!
2 IssuesA drop in replacement for the native MongoDB PHP Driver which transparently translates data in and out of mongo for smaller storage sizes
2 IssuesDockUp is a Ruby dockerized backup solution that supports different backends like: S3, Azure blob storage, Google cloud storage, local filesystem, etc.
2 IssuesAzure Container Service Engine - provision and deploy container orchestrators on Azure: Kubernetes, DC/OS, and Docker Swarm.
2 IssuesA simple version manager tool for switching between different versions of commands
2 IssuesA database of vulnerabilities associated with functional languages
2 IssuesThe Official Pepipost Node.js API library
2 IssuesThe GTK+ Remmina Remote Desktop Client
2 IssuesEmissão de bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros
2 IssuesI wonder what kind of Elixir is boiling in there.