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2 Issues[THIS IS NOT MASTER] Helpy is a modern, "mobile-first" helpdesk application built in Ruby. Features include multi-lingual knowledgebase, community discussions and private tickets integrated with email.
2 IssuesEmissão de bloquetos de cobrança para bancos brasileiros
2 IssuesSource Code analysis gem for Ruby and Rails
(mainmatter/excellent) (yamamoto7/rails_json_seeder)rails_json_seeder
2 Issuessails
2 IssuesCreate a Thrift Server use like Rails
(huacnlee/sails) (qdigital/alchemy)alchemy
2 Issuesroodi
2 IssuesRuby Object Oriented Design Inferometer
2 IssuesDockUp is a Ruby dockerized backup solution that supports different backends like: S3, Azure blob storage, Google cloud storage, local filesystem, etc.
2 IssuesTools to aid mining of ruby code in git repositories
2 IssuesRestart puma when files change
2 IssuesChange ActiveRecord associations in a structured manner
2 IssuesOpen3 gives you access to stdin, stdout, and stderr when running other programs.
(ruby/open3) (zombocom/git_hub_bub)git_hub_bub
2 Issuesfetching-gem
1 IssuesReturning `nil` is a smell.
1 IssuesInitjs helps you organize your javascript to play nice with Rails' asset pipeline. Providing a simple and automatic way to execute your javascript into a specific page
1 IssuesTranslation Markup Language for Ruby on Rails
1 IssuesCreates an interface to manage the redirection of URLs in Radiant CMS
1 IssuesRack::Test is a small, simple testing API for Rack apps.
1 Issues🔥 A regular expression matching Gitmoji (a subset of Unicode Emoji) symbols
(pboling/gitmoji-regex) (coinbase/coinbase-sdk-ruby)coinbase-sdk-ruby
1 Issuesenumerize
1 IssuesEnumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support
(brainspec/enumerize) (lprashant-94/bundle_requests)bundle_requests
1 Issuesrspec-stubbed_env
1 IssuesUnobtrusively stub ENV keys and values during testing
1 Issuesplugin which could be very useful on working with ( billing system
1 IssuesTool for cloning firebase remote config projects.
1 Issues100 Pirates agree creating CSVs is boring. Pirates prefer lazy. Pirates use CsvPirate.
1 IssuesA Git Repo Management CLI
1 IssuesCommon code, such as validators and mixins, that are shared between ActiveModels in metasploit-framework and ActiveRecords in metasploit_data_models
1 IssuesAn Email Condom for your Ruby Server
1 IssuesA robot powered training repository :robot:
1 IssuesRuby gem which handle csstats.dat file generated by CSX module in AMX Mod X.
1 IssuesA robot powered training repository :robot:
1 IssuesRuby Handlebars.js Compiler
1 IssuesSpree Extension which allows user to have multiple emails.
1 IssuesEmail subscriptions for Rails
1 IssuesDesign-First Web Framework
1 IssuesOfficial DevLess Ruby SDK
1 IssuesSentry exception report support for Jets
1 IssuesOrdinare sorts gems in your Gemfile alphabetically
1 IssuesDistance Measurements are Awesome!
1 IssuesTools and deployment configs for performance testing of 3scale API Management solution
1 IssuesAutomatically add whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).
1 IssuesProvides integration for sending multiple events to Google Analytics
1 IssuesStatic Gemfile Analysis
1 IssuesA patent searching web application
1 IssuesBenchmark/Timeout/Rescue Ruby's `require`/`load` for Debugging Glory
1 IssuesClomp gem provides a smooth, lightweight, productive and reusable way to build an operation using Railway oriented programing paradigm
1 IssuesA cloud-based app installer
1 IssuesEnhance that VERSION! Sugar for boring Version classes
1 IssuesThe application is a simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop, of dimensions 5 units x 5 units